We Are Good People
The American people, me included are unwilling to write off the Iraq war as a complete loss because of the blood and treasure spent thus far in trying to facilitate the young democracy’s post liberation phase-hoping somewhat in vain, for an expedited and satisfactory result. However they are also undeniably fed up with the wars current course and in large part ready to wash their hands of the undertaking believing they’ve “done enough” (which has become a popular mantra among democratic politicians trying to rationalize a pullout while retaining credibility-a hard sale.) Indeed the people of this country have done more than enough for the embattled regime. We’ve liberated a tyranny and helped provide security for the bloody transition from a flimsy governing council to real elections yielding a real president. We’ve worked to establish civic institutions that could carry Iraq and the larger Muslim world into the 21st century while being an influential example to the region. This has come at an amazing price to mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, lovers and friends of the fallen. This has come at a huge price to the American taxpayer-and whatever course is considered and chosen in the future let us not forget another example of our generosity and selflessness in the world.
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