ITS A BEAUTIFUL DAY IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD Is the Duke Lacrosse case so big it merits an entire article? Couldn't Ann have thrown in a snappy paragraph about the case in an article about the Iraq war?
"You're not going to pay a particular price, as I understand it, with an immediate family."
-Barbra Boxer to Condi Rice (NY POST) -implying that since Sec Rice had no children she was unfit to speak on sacrifice.
Boxer is out of line here and dangerous to Democrats who want to be seen as something other that left wing Hollywood lunatics. Insulting Rice's personal life shows Boxer as classless.
"Hillary Heads to Iraq." -DRUDGE headline.
Looking for Donations? New Bagdhad Clinton Library? Maybe just a break from some pre election stress. No better place to relax than the sand.
"I think what [Mr. Bush has] decided to do is both courageous and correct," Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, Kentucky Republican, told reporters yesterday. "It strikes me, in listening to the critics emerging already, that the president can't win either way. Before he changed directions, he was being criticized. And now that he's changing directions, he's being criticized." -Washington Times
Yes it is tough to be criticized for a loosing approach, then when the strategy is changed to what many members of your own party consider a "blunder," only more criticism!!! I hear ya Mitch. It's really out of control.
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