The Cold Hard Truth

Tuesday, November 30, 2004


President Bush's immigration plan (amnesty-lite) looks like a Trojan horse; this horse is filled with illegal immigrants, some of whom may not be here for the American Dream. (Some may be here because Allah told them to go to Mexico) If a "tactical nuclear weapon were to go off in one of our cities" (that was the line Cheney used in the debate that made people looked at John Edwards and say "He should have took the Peterson case") was smuggled in over the border- all this jive about "where there's a willing worker and a willing employee" won't quite do. Don't get me wrong it's a nice phrase, but there are people in the U.S. without jobs, like the Hilton sisters. Someone should find them something productive to do. Don't forget Al Gore. (Actually History just called me and gave me the green light to forget Al Gore!) Elected Republicans and Democrats have become such a homogenized breed of bureaucrat, especially on spending and immigration. Ironically the pundit class has become more and more divisive causing people to believe that Republicans and Democrats in Washington are intrinsically different. If only that were true. The deal with the devil was when both parties decided the Spanish vote was a matter of their political future and superseded ours. So for all intents and purposes Vicente Fox could be the secretary of Labor: El Secratario de Trabajo. The Republicans get the guff now because they're in power, but John Kerry wasn't closing the borders or militarizing them either because putting the military on the border might...discourage illegal aliens from crossing it! Well isn't that what were trying to do! No silly we're trying to get the Spanish vote to solidify a long term majority in office. Well, okay but shouldn't the long term survival of the country be a concern too.
The Ukraine looks like Palm Beach 4 years ago except manifestly not as fun. You really admire what a mature and strong country we are to look back and realize that during that period we met adversity with Saturday Night Live skits-some of their best material ever-and generally conducted ourselves well. No one had thoughts of fleeing to Belarus. A century of communism is rough on anybody and illustrates why the Ukraine is handling the situation the way they are. Some suspect Putin, the Russian President, to have had a hand in election malfeasance favoring the Russian backed candidate to win. Putin has recently raised some eyebrows by responding to the brutality of Beslan by severely limiting (some would say abolishing) democracy in that country. Whose word can you trust if not a former KGB agent?
Theo Van Gogh, a revolutionary filmmaker in Holland (the land of weed, booze, and hookers-similar to the Clinton library) was murdered by a Muslim extremist a couple weeks ago. Since then Holland is considering reforming their immigration policy and their welfare policy. I would also change the country motto: "Come for the dope, Stay for the welfare." Islamic extremists are running rampant through Europe, which won't have any Europeans in it soon because children are so "last generation." Europeans, who just want a quiet cafe to smoke a cigarette(my 1 single area of agreement with them) aren't in for Islamic fundamentalism-mainly because the "burka" isn't a versatile garment. How would one smoke a cigarette? Of course this doesn't mean Europe will ever make the connection between terrorism and appeasing terrorists.
Even in our great country, when Republicans are in office, we're going to have an immigration policy that looks, smells, and feels like amnesty. No one wants to play the game of the honest, realistic patriot who spoils the party. Well, if a "TNW' explodes in one of our cities. Their will be hell to pay and history to answer to and no excuses. Maybe then I'll check out Belarus.

President Bush's new immigration plan

Friday, November 12, 2004


The mainstream media is now apparently taking show suggestions from anyone with a computer. I almost choke on whatever I'm eating when I hear some network anchors: (Matthews, the other guy on MSNBC who used to play baseball or something-McEnroe!-no, no that's not him-same ratings tho, similar show style....Olberman! "Countdown"(to one viewer.) The lunacy coming out of the blogosphere (where I am one of the only sane ones) has been finding its way onto the airwaves everywhere from ABC to NBC to Fox to CNN (who still thinks the election is too close to call!) This is the electronic vote stealing theory where Karl Rove, the embodiment of all things evil, hacked the system and had the contest rigged in Ohio and everywhere else they used electronic voting machines unless Kerry won-those machines are fine. We here at this blog are not going to actively disprove this theory because its been done for us by John Kerry's lawyers and because Bush won the popular vote by over 3 million votes and I (unlike the producers of network new shows) believe that "news" shouldn't come from {w w w. Bush put a chip in my brain. c o m } This a product of the rubber room left frothing at the mouth at Bush's victory consoling themselves with elaborate lies. Air America and the internet-two institutions with minimal fact checking-have been the primary springboard for the latest black helicopter. But lets give all the credit to those crazy bloggers: No one listens to Air America. Has anyone noticed liberals never loose elections anymore, they're always stolen from them. This is like an eight year old kid who lost a basketball game screaming that the game wasn't fair, or he only lost because he was tired. We've all done things like this but there's a time to grow up. So as not to face the fact that the American people didn't elect them, the far left has created a world in which they're ideas never loose. Better yet they never even have a chance to win! Since the game is rigged the left is always the hapless victim of history and entirely immune from criticism or self examination. Similar to many of their constituents the democrats are living their motto "Blame Someone Else!" No one just plain fails in life anymore, politically or personally; it is always the fault of rich white men huddled in a smoke filled room somewhere pulling the strings and stacking the odds against us. We are all victims living in the wealthiest country on earth where the poorest among us are fat, drive cars, collect government checks, and finance pricey drug and alcohol addictions. It is in many ways more profitable to be poor than some evil rich person paying confiscatory taxes. By the way that evil top 1 percent is the reason why the poor can live like kings compared to the way they do in any other nation. We are off topic but not really. This is the thesis of all the conspirators: the game is fixed so don't play, and if you do and fail to accomplish things-it will never be your fault. It is the fault of an immoral society. The injustice is all around just waiting to be claimed and warn as a mark of pride by those who delight in excusing themselves from any real self examination. Slavery is the reason the African American out of wedlock birthrate is 70%. The poor are a result of corporations-try to make sense out of that one! And of course Halliburton is pillaging the earth, the Carlyle group is running the world. Dick Cheney is a reptile. John Kerry didn't loose because he was a horrible candidate silly, he lost because Karl Rove and the Masons hacked into the computers. Americans are just crazy about 12 yr olds having abortions without parental consent just like the Democrats are. They only voted for Bush because they hate gay people! It was Jim Bob from the trailer park that propelled Bush to victory-or Karl Roves army of cyber fascists-or the New World Order. It can't be that a party of rotten ideas and unelectable candidates tends to loose elections. As the networks beat this dead horse because reporting on things like say...the war are dangerous and difficult, remember that history isn't a series of planned events to which we all witless reactionaries. It is our story... Like it or not.

Monday, November 08, 2004


Our troops have begun to dismantle what has wrongly been called an "insurgency" in the terrorist stronghold of Fallujah-as Christopher Hitchens notes-what would you call the Iraqis fighting for freedom in their country's military or national guard-counter insurgents? The term insurgency is fallacious, especially because estimates of the "resistance" (also a romantic term that's slightly misleading like "insurgent" because it evokes the perception of noble independence movements- like our own-that sought to establish freedom and banish tyranny; the antithesis of Iraq's "insurgence" which only seeks to defeat America and impose Iranian style theocracy on that country) are about 25,000 in a country of 29 million. This is not a popular uprising as incompetent members of the press have lead us to believe.
There are large parts of the country that are pacified, stable, operating and not to mention completely capable of holding January elections. This is not to discount the importance of success in Fallujah, Samarra, Ramadi-the terrorist bases, nor should it be a rousing endorsement of our post war plan which has had some rather brutal unintended and unnecessary consequences. The larger truth that has sadly been mangled in partisan campaign bickering is that America has the chief role to play in defeating terrorism. Not the only role, but inarguably the leading one. It is our generations calling to do for our grandchildren what other generations have done for us: defeat the great evils our time. Islamic religious fanaticism is the disease spreading through the middle east. It is, like communism, fascism, and terrorism-an ideology bent on world domination. It isn't-as liberal loonies have told us-the way they do things over there, better not to interfere. Well okay for the heartless, but not interfering has created the culture of terrorism. It is not, as liberals believe, the result of too much American intervention. That is the subject of Pat Buchanans' new book who is certainly no liberal but just as wrong about some things. He believes that had the U.S. not entered WWII the communists and the fascists would have killed each other off: no cold war, no Korea, no Vietnam. It's a nice theory but what if someone won WWII. Then I guess it would be time for the uh-ohs. I guess its easier to write a book about what we should have done in WWII 50 yrs after we've done it. It is equally as easy to criticize Bush for invading Iraq to find WMD's that weren't there after the Kay report, but not before. We need forward thinking and historical context. The animals beheading Americans in Iraq aren't the minutemen. The Iraq war isn't a crusade. America didn't create the problems in the Middle East because we buy oil from Saudi Arabia. The "insurgents" aren't insurgents. They are terrorists. It's not an "uprising" it's terrorism. It's not religion, it's fascism. We need to call things by their rightful names because otherwise people get confused.


MAUREEN DOWD LOOSES HER MIND "We're entering a Dark Age."

"W.'s presidency rushes backward, stifling possibilities, stirring intolerance, confusing church with state, blowing off the world, replacing science with religion, and facts with faith. We're entering another dark age, more creationist than cutting edge, more premodern than postmodern. Instead of leading America to an exciting new reality, the Bushies cocoon in a scary, paranoid, regressive reality. Their new health care plan will probably be a return to leeches.
America has always had strains of isolationism, nativism, chauvinism, puritanism and religious fanaticism. But most of our leaders, even our devout presidents, have tried to keep these impulses under control. Not this crew. They don't call to our better angels; they summon our nasty devils." for more of Ms. Dowds hate click

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

And Now a Word for President Bush

I'm glad it's over. I'm glad Bush won. I'm glad the republicans held a majority in the house and senate. Now I'm worried about Iraq. This administrations inability to prosecute the Iraq war successfully(not enough troops, Abu Graib, Fallujah, etc) has strained even this wars most ardent supporters. (like myself) This President got my vote, and now he has my criticism. The public relations effort to sell this war around the world was non existent. Maybe we felt we didn't need one; like the troops we didn't need to secure Iraqs borders. Al Qaeda has one: we don't. Every instance Al Jazeera broadcasts footage of carnage from Iraq-our soldiers become targets. The fact that we have no communication strategy for this war has enabled the terrorists to write the script which includes "Zionists, oil, BUSHDEVIL, crusaders, etc." They have been able to manipulate the perception of our war effort, put our soldiers in extreme danger and now have branded them "the jews" according to NY Times columnist Tom Friedman, and damage our credibility with the Arab public. We have the strongest military in the world but the jihadists are winning the war of propaganda and perception, invariably dooming our mission to democratize the Middle East to failure. Our military blunders are another matter, and probably not as fatal. In a world where perception is reality: the Iraqis are starting to think we're the devil, and we haven't convinced them otherwise and that is the big challenge. Now that the administration has rightly been allowed to finish what they started. It's time to wake up and smell the failures- and then do something about them.

Monday, November 01, 2004


This blog and its editor endorses President George W. Bush. Good Luck and God Bless America.