President Bush's immigration plan (amnesty-lite) looks like a Trojan horse; this horse is filled with illegal immigrants, some of whom may not be here for the American Dream. (Some may be here because Allah told them to go to Mexico) If a "tactical nuclear weapon were to go off in one of our cities" (that was the line Cheney used in the debate that made people looked at John Edwards and say "He should have took the Peterson case") was smuggled in over the border- all this jive about "where there's a willing worker and a willing employee" won't quite do. Don't get me wrong it's a nice phrase, but there are people in the U.S. without jobs, like the Hilton sisters. Someone should find them something productive to do. Don't forget Al Gore. (Actually History just called me and gave me the green light to forget Al Gore!) Elected Republicans and Democrats have become such a homogenized breed of bureaucrat, especially on spending and immigration. Ironically the pundit class has become more and more divisive causing people to believe that Republicans and Democrats in Washington are intrinsically different. If only that were true. The deal with the devil was when both parties decided the Spanish vote was a matter of their political future and superseded ours. So for all intents and purposes Vicente Fox could be the secretary of Labor: El Secratario de Trabajo. The Republicans get the guff now because they're in power, but John Kerry wasn't closing the borders or militarizing them either because putting the military on the border might...discourage illegal aliens from crossing it! Well isn't that what were trying to do! No silly we're trying to get the Spanish vote to solidify a long term majority in office. Well, okay but shouldn't the long term survival of the country be a concern too.
The Ukraine looks like Palm Beach 4 years ago except manifestly not as fun. You really admire what a mature and strong country we are to look back and realize that during that period we met adversity with Saturday Night Live skits-some of their best material ever-and generally conducted ourselves well. No one had thoughts of fleeing to Belarus. A century of communism is rough on anybody and illustrates why the Ukraine is handling the situation the way they are. Some suspect Putin, the Russian President, to have had a hand in election malfeasance favoring the Russian backed candidate to win. Putin has recently raised some eyebrows by responding to the brutality of Beslan by severely limiting (some would say abolishing) democracy in that country. Whose word can you trust if not a former KGB agent?
Theo Van Gogh, a revolutionary filmmaker in Holland (the land of weed, booze, and hookers-similar to the Clinton library) was murdered by a Muslim extremist a couple weeks ago. Since then Holland is considering reforming their immigration policy and their welfare policy. I would also change the country motto: "Come for the dope, Stay for the welfare." Islamic extremists are running rampant through Europe, which won't have any Europeans in it soon because children are so "last generation." Europeans, who just want a quiet cafe to smoke a cigarette(my 1 single area of agreement with them) aren't in for Islamic fundamentalism-mainly because the "burka" isn't a versatile garment. How would one smoke a cigarette? Of course this doesn't mean Europe will ever make the connection between terrorism and appeasing terrorists.
Even in our great country, when Republicans are in office, we're going to have an immigration policy that looks, smells, and feels like amnesty. No one wants to play the game of the honest, realistic patriot who spoils the party. Well, if a "TNW' explodes in one of our cities. Their will be hell to pay and history to answer to and no excuses. Maybe then I'll check out Belarus.